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You don't believe me? Ask Helga...

Hyacinth "Delft Blue" in the gardens at Dolores Delargo Towers

Oh, yesterday was a beautiful day! So sunny and warm that if it wasn't for the fact that the only things in flower are the bulbs, one might have been forgiven for thinking it was May. Today, it's gloomy with the threat of rain. Welcome to Britain.

Hey ho - trust those delightful bods over at Soft Tempo Lounge to come up with the perfect solution. What better way to spend a Sunday than wallowing in the lives of impossibly glamorous people wearing beautifully tailored outfits, all of them acting mysteriously, in some glorious location?

Oh, Helga, indeed:

Music: Ti ho sposato per allegria by Piero Piccioni

Oh, that's better.

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