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Photo Wrap-up For July

Summer has been moving right along and here it is, the end of July. What's really amazing is how the temperatures have dropped since last weekend. Very unsummerlike for us! And very welcome! To finish up the month, here's everything I didn't have time to blog about.

Since Dan finished his tractor wagon he's been busy with firewood ...

A good start on this winter's supply safely tucked away in the carport.

... and making woodchips.

There's plenty to chip! The tractor and chipper are in the background.

If you read my blog much then you're probably aware that we've had a lot of downed treed in our wood lot over the years. They're mostly old pines and they've sure left a mess. Some of them Dan has milled into lumber. The rest we'll put to good use as chips.

Hauling chips up out of the woods.

A good day's work.

Last week I showed you the garden and how it's doing. Also growing...

New ginger plants.

I lost my original ginger plants the winter before last. Usually they overwinter on our enclosed back porch, but ginger is a tropical plant and the temps that year were just too cold.

July is also the month we start fruit harvest. Blueberries ripen first and that means...

fresh blueberry pie and

pancakes with fresh blueberries.

I've been experimenting with different kinds of flour we can potentially produce ourselves and that's been fun. For the pancakes in the above photo I used oat flour and almond meal, about half and half. Makes for a very tasty combination.

I harvested the crabapples. I made a small batch of jelly with some and pectin with the rest (that link will show you how.)


We've begun to harvest the first of the pears.

Pears, figs, and apples will keep me busy next month.

July is also a good time of year for...

Homemade ice cream! Chocolate!

Of course every photo wrap-up should have a cat photo.

Sam trying to find some shade.

Also one of some goats.

Violet and Nova hoping for treats.

I reckon that about wraps up July. Anybody ready for August?

Photo Wrap-up For July © July 2019 by Leigh

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