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Lindsay Lohan always getting arrested with mug shots taken everytime she drinks and drives results in her squeaky clean Disney princess reputation in tatters.  And it was the joint decision of Dina Lohan and business manager Lou Taylor that something must be done about it.  So Dina Lohan takes both of her daughters Lindsay Lohan and Ali Lohan to the the Dream Center Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles for volunteer service to help the homeless and the needy.  And if the paparatzi photographs the Lohan Family volunteering at the Dream Center Homeless Shelter, than so much the better.  And naturally, Lou Taylor came along to make sure that his client, Lindsay Lohan, is on her best behavior.  And the homeless community of Los Angeles, California were delighted by the chance to hang out with Dina Lohan, her daughter Lindsay Lohan, her daughter Ali Lohan and Lohan Family business manager Lou Taylor for the day.
After spending most of the morning and the afternoon volunteering at the Dream Center Homeless Shelter, Dina Lohan and business manager Lou Taylor makes their exit.
Lindsay Lohan follows her mother Dina Lohan and her business manager Lou Taylor out of the door to the Dream Center Homeless Shelter.
Dina Lohan walks towards the Lohan Family automobile in the Dream Center Homeless Shelter parking lot.
Dina Lohan and Ali Lohan has a very tense conversation.  The position of Ali Lohan's arms suggest that she's not pleased by what her mother, Dina Lohan is saying.

Ali Lohan's arms is still in combative disagreeable stance while Dina Lohan walks towards Lou Taylor and the enourage of bodyguards and other assorted entourage members.
 Ali Lohan isn't backing off her argumentive stance against her mother Dina Lohan, but Dina Lohan isn't conversing with Ali anymore.  Whatever decision is made is something that Ali Lohan must endure regardless of the difference of her opinion.
 Lindsay Lohan walks behind her sister Ali Lohan who won't back off her argumenative stance against her mother Dina Lohan.  Lindsay Lohan appears to agree with everything.  Somebody who might be a bodyguard (Or Lou Taylor) is standing alongside Lindsay Lohan and behind Ali Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan looks to her bodyguard as the Lohan Family entourage walks towards the Lohan Family car in the parking lot of the Dream Center Homeless Shelter.
So what did Dina Lohan decide for the Lohan Family that Ali Lohan disagrees with, but Lindsay Lohan is willing to go along with?  Nobody knows.  Nobody was able to get close enough to actually hear a single word of the Lohan Family conversation.

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