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A tear glides down the cheek of a young woman as the scent of lilies wafts through the silent breeze.
The pastor bows his head in prayer as mourners sidle up to the gravesite, each carrying a single rose. Indigo drops a delicate silver branch full of pure white flowers onto the casket along with a handful of dirt. “I remembered lilacs were your favorite.” She sniffs. “I’ll miss you so much, father,” she whispers and turns away.
Unable to cope with her sorrow, Indigo moves to a new town where no one knows of her special abilities. They had failed her. They couldn’t save her father’s life.
She hides her secret with little difficulty. For a few weeks anyway. Until one afternoon ...

The house is eerie as she enters. Her skin prickles. She’s had this feeling before and words burst out from her through quivering lips, “NO. Not again. Not here too!” 
A ghost shimmers translucently in front of her. He pulls the collar at his neck and gulps. “Miss, I need your help.”
Indigo shrieks and draws her hands over her ears. “No. I won’t listen to you. Go away!”
“Please ... you must?”
She drops her guard from the desperation in his resonant voice. 
“Allow me to introduce myself.” He forces a smile. “I’m was Bart Bagley in a former life.”
Bagley. It can’t be ... but ... they do have the same eyes. She clears her throat. “You can’t be Badger’s dad?”
The ghost’s eyes widen. “You know my son? Good, then it’s all settled.”
“Yes. We take some of the same classes, but I didn’t say...”
“You’ve got to! For his sake, you must help me solve my murder.” 
Indigo flushes. He better be worth it ...

Investigating murder is hard enough without the interference of ghosts and other entities that go bump in the night .... But Indigo seems to spend more time getting Badger out of trouble from the mishaps from her psychic abilities going haywire. 

GIVIN’ up the GHOST by Gwen Gardener

How fun is this ghostly premise? Gwen certainly has me intrigued! Aren’t you?

Do float over to Gwen’s blog and say hi. This week is certainly off to an amusing start. Thanks everyone for dropping in to spend some precious moments here with me.

I hope you all enjoyed this fun intro ... Have a great day everyone!

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